Dr hab. Michał Szostak, Associate Professor


kalendarz wydarzeń | agenda des événements | Ordnung der Ereignisse

CANVAS REBEL: Meet Michal Szostak

Meet Michal Szostak We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Michal Szostak a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below. Michal, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Are you happier as a creative? Do you sometimes think about what it would be like to just have a regular job? Can you talk to us about how you think through these emotions? The whole article – here.


NEW ARTICLE (ENG): „Organ landscapes in Chile”, in: „The Organ”, No 404, May-July 2023

Szostak Michał, „Organ landscapes in Chile„, in: „The Organ”, No 404, May-July 2023, Musical Opinion Ltd, London, ISSN 0030-4883, pp. 4-17. Introduction The following report on musical experiences and impressions gained during my recital tour in South and Latin Americas in June of 2022 refers to Chile; after Argentina’s[1] and Panama’s[2] organs secrets, it is time to visit the most western-located country in South America. The article describes the historical background of Chile, its organ culture in general and also four instruments in detail: two of them (St Ignacio, Santiago and Saint Paul´s Anglican Church, Valparaíso), where I played recitals, the third one in Cathedral of Santiago and the fourth one in the Franciscans’ church Iglesia del Colegio de los Sagrados Corazones in


NEW BOOK (ENG): „Humanistic Management, Organization and Aesthetics: Management of Art and Art of Management”, Routledge, New York

I am pleased to inform that I have signed a contract with a leading global scientific publishing house, Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group, on my new book entitled „Humanistic Management, Organization and Aesthetics: Management of Art and Art of Management”. Abstract: The book is the first worldwide publication of a complex theory of management aesthetics in humanistic management based on the aesthetics and arts approach allowing for a complete and systemic understanding of the management art and art management phenomenon. The methodology is based on the critical literature review and five empirical research: qualitative, quantitative, and autoethnography. The main goal of this monograph is to create a holistic model that organises the issues of management aesthetics and shows the interdependence


NEW BOOK (PL): „Sztuka zarządzania – zarządzanie sztuką”, Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk, Łódź-Warszawa 2023

Szostak Michał, „Sztuka zarządzania – zarządzanie sztuką”, Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk, Łódź-Warszawa 2023, ISBN 978-83-66781-16-0. Ze WSTĘPu: Natura i kultura to dwa komponenty konstytuujące pojęcie ludzkości w sposób nierozerwalny. Ponieważ natura, czyli świat dzikich mocy oraz kultura, czyli świat ludzkich wytworów, nieustannie ewoluują, wzajemnie się katalizują i dopełniają, niemożliwe jest określenie linii jednoznacznie oddzielającej od siebie te dwa obszary. Zarządzanie, przynależne do świata kultury, pomaga porządkować i organizować środowisko człowieka (naturę i kulturę). Z kolei również przynależna do świata kultury sztuka pomaga uwalniać emocje (katharsis), dynamizuje życie wewnętrzne człowieka oraz inspiruje (Tatarkiewicz, 2015, pp. 24, 380). Owa porządkująca funkcja zarządzania i twórcza funkcja sztuki determinują potocznie postrzeganą przeciwstawność obu dziedzin. Dopiero zagłębienie się w istotę zarządzania i w istotę twórczości artystycznej pozwala


NEW ARTICLE (ENG): „Contemporary Organs in Panama City”, in: „The Organ”, No 403, February-April 2023

Szostak Michał, „Contemporary Organs in Panama City„, in: „The Organ”, No 403, February-April (Winter) 2023, Musical Opinion Ltd, London, ISSN 0030-4883, pp. 6-19. ABSTRACT: Following the path of describing some of my musical experiences and impressions from South and Latin Americas gained during a 17-day recital tour in June of 2022, this article describes two contemporary organs I met in Panama City. Admittedly, the organ landscape in Latin America is not broad, but the topic is worthy of consideration from organ building and organ music perspectives. The historical Spanish influences, domination of the Roman Catholic church and equator-type weather are the main determinants of the Panamian organ landscape and our considerations. The Republic of Panama is a transcontinental country traversing the southern


NEW ARTICLE (ENG): ‘Perception of creative identities by artistic and non-artistic individuals: consequences for management’, Creativity Studies, 16(1)

Szostak, M. (2023) ‘Perception of creative identities by artistic and non-artistic individuals: consequences for management’, Creativity Studies, 16(1), pp. 1–25. doi: 10.3846/cs.2023.15081. ABSTRACT: The interdisciplinary research on the perception of creative identities like artists, creators, entrepreneurs, leaders, and managers brings substantial conclusions for understanding the way of thinking, internal features, and motivations of decisions of individuals with and without artistic factor. For this purpose, an international quantitative examination of 160 individuals was undertaken. The research exhibited that individuals with and without artistic identity perceive artists, creators, entrepreneurs, leaders, and managers statistically similar (chi-square test of independence used, p < 0.001). The negative verification of the hypotheses was astonishing and a novelty in the investigated area. The novelty should be seen


NEW ARTICLE (ENG): „The Organ Landscapes in Argentina”, in: „The Organ”, No 402, November 2022 – January 2023

Download the full version of the article: Szostak Michał, „The Organ Landscapes in Argentina”, in: „The Organ”, No 402, November 2022 – January 2023, Musical Opinion Ltd, London, ISSN 0030-4883, pp. 4-24. ABSTRACT In June of this Summer, I visited South and Latin Americas for the first time in my life. During 17 days of an extensive tour, I performed ten recitals in Brasil, Argentina, Chile, and Panama. These territories are not often a topic of organ matters consideration from the European perspective, but I would like to change this pattern a little because there are three fundamental reasons for that. The first is a significant number of instruments imported from Europe in the second part of the 19th century and the



2022/11/13 – ARGENTINA – Mendoza, Santuario Maria Auxiliadora Rodeo del Medio 2022/11/12 – ARGENTINA – Mendoza, Iglesia San Francisco 2022/11/10 – ARGENTINA – Avellaneda, Iglesia Maria Auxiliadora 2022/11/09 – ARGENTINA – La Plata, Cathedral 2022/11/08 – ARGENTINA – Basilica Maria Auxiliadora y San Carlos 2022/11/06 – ARGENTINA – Buenos Aires, Catedral Metropolitana 2022/11/05 – ARGENTINA – Buenos Aires, Iglesia Nueva Apostolica Central 2022/11/03 – ARGENTINA – Buenos Aires, Quilmes Cathedral 2022/11/02 – ARGENTINA – Las Flores, Iglesia Nostra Senora del Carmen 2022/11/01 – ARGENTINA – Rauch, San Pedro Apostol Some recordings made during the tour can be found on YouTube – here. Information made by the Polish Embassy in Buenos Aires – here.


NEW ARTICLE: Contextual inspiration and motive in persuasive creativity: lessons from artistic improvisation, in: Discourses on Culture, 2022, 17(1)

Szostak, M. (2022) ‘Contextual inspiration and motive in persuasive creativity: lessons from artistic improvisation’, Discourses on Culture, 17(1), pp. 101–131. doi: 10.36145/DoC2022.05. Abstract: Based on the literature review and autoethnography, the article deals with the role of contextual inspiration and motive in persuasive creativity based on the theory and practice of performative art improvisation. Referring to the theory of the aesthetic situation, the analysis depicts that being a persuasive creator requires having a solid and conscious motive and proper trigger in the form of inspiration driven by the context and the environment. Furthermore, performative art improvisation reveals valuable issues for understanding persuasive creativity because the improvisation process is happening prompt without the possibility of its correction or repetition. Therefore, the creator


Toccata Festiva, improvisation
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Legnica, Poland

Fantasia on „Zdráv buď, strážce”, improvisation
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Ostrava, Czech Republic

ORGAN SYMPHONY: Prelude, Fugue, Adagio, Scherzo, Cantabile, Final, improvisation
Church of St Ignatius (Kostel sv. Ignáce)
Prague, Czech Republic

Sortie-Marche – improvisation
St Anne Academic Church, Warsaw, Poland, 2019/02/23
„Organ, as a source of inspiration” – concert on the occasion of obtaining the degree of Doctor of Art in Organ Playing

Variations symphoniques – improvisation
Van den Heuvel Organ, 101/5M+P
Saint-Eustache, Paris, France

Suide du deuxieme ton – L. Cleramboult
E.F. Walcker Organ, 2M+P
BMV de Lourdes, Warsaw, Poland

earlier events

wydarzenia wcześniejsze | événements précédents | frühere Ereignisse

  • 2016.11.21, Diecezjalne Studium Organistowskie w Tarnowie, konferencja naukowa, referat pt. 'Wielkie organy bazyliki licheńskiej w zestawieniu z największymi organami Polski, Europy i świata’
  • 2005, nagranie CD z literaturą organową i improwizacjami na nieistniejących już organach kościoła M.B. z Lourdes w Warszawie

  • 2004, monografia nt. nieistniejących już organów J.G.Meinerta znajdujących się wówczas w kościele M.B. z Lourdes na warszawskiej Pradze

selected details

wybrane informacje szczegółowe | détails sélectionnés | ausgewählte Details

Spring Meeting of American Guild of Organist, European Chapter, April 2019

Poland: Warszawa, Licheń Stary, Łódź, Kazimierz Dolny

The European Chapter of American Guild of Organist at the console of the largest organ (157/6M+P) in Poland, Licheń.

The European Chapter of American Guild of Organist at the Kings Castle, Warsaw.

The European Chapter of American Guild of Organist at Saint Anne Academic Church, Warsaw.

I had the pleasure to organize and host the Spring Meeting of the European Chapter of the American Guild of Organist, which took place in Poland. Detailed schedule was as follows:

Monday (April 22nd): WARSAW
16.00-18.00 Spring Meeting 2019 registration
19.00-22.00 Opening dinner (at Hotel Gromada)

Tuesday (April 23rd): WARSAW
06.30-08.45 Breakfast at the hotel 
09.00-09.20 Walk to the church
09.30-11.00 St. Ann Church, the Old Town
11.30-13.00 Warsaw Archcathedral, the Old Town
13.00-14.30 Lunch on your own in the Old Town
15.00-16.30 Military Cathedral, the Old Town
17.00-20.00 Evening at “MOMU” restaurant and “Vodka Museum” with vodkas degustation
20.00-20.15 Walk to the hotel

Wednesday (April 24th): WARSAW-LICHEŃ-ŁÓDŹ-WARSAW
06.30-08.45 Breakfast at the hotel
09.00-11.30 Coach travel WARSAW-LICHEŃ
12.00-13.00 LICHEŃ: tour around the Shrine with a guide
13.00-15.00 LICHEŃ: the largest organ in Poland
15.15-16.00 LICHEŃ: Meal at pilgrims restaurant ARKA in the Shrine
16.30-18.00 Coach travel LICHEŃ-ŁÓDŹ
18.45-20.15 ŁÓDŹ: Cathedral
20.30 ŁÓDŹ: Evening meal, “Gęsi Puch” Restaurant
21.30-22.30 Coach travel ŁÓDŹ-WARSAW

06.30-08.00 Breakfast at the hotel
08.20-08.40 Walk to the church
08.45-10.15 The Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Warsaw
10.30-12.30 Coach travel WARSAW-KAZIMIERZ DOLNY
13.00-14.15 Lunch and sightseeing
14.30-16.00 Baroque organ of St. John Baptist church
16.15-18.30 Coach travel KAZIMIERZ-WARSAW
18.30-20.00 Evangelical-Reformed Church, Al. Solidarności
20.00-20.30 Travel to the hotel
20.30 Dinner in a restaurant and historic chocolate shop of E. Wedel (open till 22.00)

Friday (April 26th): WARSAW
06.30-08.45 Breakfast at the hotel
09.00-10.00 Coach travel WARSAW-WOŁOMIN
10.00-12.00 Visit at “Zych Organ building Company”
12.00-13.00 Coach travel WOŁOMIN-WARSAW
13.00-13.30 Lunch in a café near the church
13.30-15.00 Holly Cross Basilica, F. Chopin’s heart
15.00-15.30 Travel to the Museum
15.30 & 16.00-18.00 Polish Jews Museum “Polin”
18.00-18.30 Travel to the hotel
19.15-23.00 Closing dinner (at “Dawne Smaki” Restaurant, Nowy Świat 49)

Saturday (April 27th): WARSAW, day extra
06.30-11.30 Breakfast at the hotel
09.30-11.00 Seminary Church
Warsaw view from 31st floor of the PKiN
Chopin Museum
19.00-21.00 Polish National Ballet

Doctor of Music Arts, February 2019

The Fryderyk Chopin Universuty of Music, Warsaw

With the patron of the Music University.

With the rector of the Fryderyk Chopin Music University.

Solemn presentation of the diploma DMA,
Warsaw, 2019/02/22.

With the promoter, Prof. Andrzej Chorosiński

Cote d'Azur et Monaco, April-Mai 2018

Nice, Cannes, Monaco

Sortie on 'Regina caeli’ – improvisation
Cathédrale Notre-Dame-Immaculée (Saint-Nicholas), Monaco

Monaco, Cathédrale Notre-Dame-Immaculée (Saint-Nicholas)

Fugue sol minour – improvisation
Cathédrale Notre-Dame-Immaculée (Saint-Nicholas), Monaco

Spring Meeting of American Guild of Organist, European Chapter, April 2018

Belgium, The Netherlands

Mrs Judy Riefel-Lindel, Dean of the European Chapter of American Guild of Organist

Morning has broken – improvisation
Sint-Martinus, Genk, Belgium